This is who I am...

I currently live in Canada and am addicted to my camera. As a young girl I watched my father continuously snapping photos at every occasion, vacation, and everywhere in between. I never fully understood what he saw until I was given my latest camera from my husband and since then we have been inseparable. I have yet to find something I didn't like to photograph. I enjoy seeing the world through Alias Eyes and believe that everything out there is beautiful, you may just need to see it through... Alias Eyes.

My two photography loves are 'Art' (a very broad and flexible word) and Portraits, although they are quite different I believe they can both be full of emotions, expressions, stories, and creativity. I strive daily to see things differently, to imagine and capture ordinary objects and scenes into dreams worthy of canvas. I hope you enjoy the shots I've taken and find them as interesting and inspiring as I do.

I am learning everyday, I am experimenting everyday. Everyday I see things in a new light. If you are a regular on my site, you will see that the photos are constantly changing. I go through waves of inspiration. I love it, and hope you do too. Please feel free to leave comments in my guest book or directly with a photograph. Thank you!

December 16, 2010

Tricked you....

So I haven't had  much time to click away, but isn't that just what happens around the holidays? Right now I feel as though I'm preparing for everything, and once it starts I will be able to relax and take embarrassing, candid and beautiful photos of loved ones and friends!

At any rate I do have a 'new' photo to share with you. (I took the photo of me long ago, but the photo of the photo of me is what is new) What do you think of this!

I'd love to say that I actually had someone ask me for this photo of me, but I had it done at a really cool website called photofunia.
"how" you ask did I ever find this site, well I happen to check out an old friends photo/blog site. If you have time (and you should make some) check out my friend Newby's site, he is very talented!

Anyways, off to do more stuff that does not include photography :(

see you all in print soon!

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